= np.loadtxt('example.txt')
image = np.load('example_sections.npy') sections
To demonstrate, we’re going to build on data we processed in data
Sa (im, norm=True, axis=None, sections=False, **kwargs)
Calculates the mean absolute difference from the mean plane. Equivalent to Ra(array, axis = None)
Type | Default | Details | |
im | Numpy array or arraylike. typically (m,n) for 1 array or (k,m,n) for k (m,n) stacked arrays | ||
norm | bool | True | |
axis | NoneType | None | |
sections | bool | False | If true, calculates the Sa of the stack of images, (i.e. sets axis = (1,2)) |
kwargs |
(Sa(image),= (0,1)),
Sa(image,axis =True)[:3],
Sa(sections,sections=(1,2))[:3]) Sa(sections,axis
array([0.00028241, 0.00042414, 0.00020014]),
array([0.00028241, 0.00042414, 0.00020014]))
Sms (im, norm=True, axis=None, sections=False, **kwargs)
Calculates the root mean square difference from the mean plane. Equivalent to Rms(array, axis = None)
Type | Default | Details | |
im | Numpy array or arraylike. typically (m,n) for 1 array or (k,m,n) for k (m,n) stacked arrays | ||
norm | bool | True | |
axis | NoneType | None | |
sections | bool | False | If true, calculates the Sms of the stack of images, (i.e. sets axis = (1,2)) |
kwargs |
=True)[:5]) (Sms(image),Sms(sections,sections
array([0.00032491, 0.00049684, 0.0002654 , 0.00028618, 0.0004129 ]))
Ssk (im, norm=True, axis=None, sections=False, **kwargs)
Calculates the Skew of the section. Equivalent to Rsk(im, axis = None) for an (m,n) array
Type | Default | Details | |
im | Numpy array or arraylike. typically (m,n) for 1 array or (k,m,n) for k (m,n) stacked arrays | ||
norm | bool | True | |
axis | NoneType | None | |
sections | bool | False | If true, calculates the Ssk of the stack of images, (i.e. sets axis = (1,2)) |
kwargs |
= True)[:5]) (Ssk(image),Ssk(sections, sections
array([-0.09524635, 0.28831296, 0.70445168, -0.75446586, -0.02569195]))
Sku (im, norm=True, axis=None, sections=False, **kwargs)
Calculates the Kurtosis of the section. Equivalent to Rku(im, axis = None) for an (m,n) array
Type | Default | Details | |
im | Numpy array or arraylike. typically (m,n) for 1 array or (k,m,n) for k (m,n) stacked arrays | ||
norm | bool | True | |
axis | NoneType | None | |
sections | bool | False | If true, calculates the Sku of the stack of images, (i.e. sets axis = (1,2)) |
kwargs |
=True)[:5]) (Sku(image),Sku(sections,sections
array([-1.06809856, -0.88850324, 1.07656068, -0.61641668, -0.91538318]))
= np.ones((4,4))
array_1 = np.ones((4,4)) * 2
array_2 = np.ones((4,4)) * 3
array_3 = np.array([array_1, array_2, array_3,array_2])
stack1232 stack1232
array([[[1., 1., 1., 1.],
[1., 1., 1., 1.],
[1., 1., 1., 1.],
[1., 1., 1., 1.]],
[[2., 2., 2., 2.],
[2., 2., 2., 2.],
[2., 2., 2., 2.],
[2., 2., 2., 2.]],
[[3., 3., 3., 3.],
[3., 3., 3., 3.],
[3., 3., 3., 3.],
[3., 3., 3., 3.]],
[[2., 2., 2., 2.],
[2., 2., 2., 2.],
[2., 2., 2., 2.],
[2., 2., 2., 2.]]])
Sp (im, norm=True, axis=None, sections=False, **kwargs)
Calculates the maximum peak height of the surface
Type | Default | Details | |
im | Numpy array or arraylike. typically (m,n) for 1 array or (k,m,n) for k (m,n) stacked arrays | ||
norm | bool | True | |
axis | NoneType | None | |
sections | bool | False | If true, calculates the Sp of the stack of images, (i.e. sets axis = (1,2)) |
kwargs |
2,2,4,4,-6,6]), norm=False), 6)
test_eq(Sp(np.array([0,0,0,0,0,0]), norm=True), 0)
test_eq(Sp(np.array([=False, sections = True), np.array([1,2,3,2])) test_eq(Sp(stack1232, norm
Sv (im, norm=True, axis=None, sections=False, **kwargs)
Calculates the absolute maximum pit depth of the surface
Type | Default | Details | |
im | Numpy array or arraylike. typically (m,n) for 1 array or (k,m,n) for k (m,n) stacked arrays | ||
norm | bool | True | |
axis | NoneType | None | |
sections | bool | False | If true, calculates the Sv of the stack of images , (i.e. sets axis = (1,2)) |
kwargs |
0,0,0,0,-5]), norm = False), 5)
test_eq(Sv(np.array([1,2,3,2,2,1]), norm = False), 1)
test_eq(Sv(np.array([=False, sections = True), np.array([1,2,3,2])) test_eq(Sv(stack1232, norm
Sz (im, norm=True, axis=None, sections=False, **kwargs)
Calculates the maximum height (max peak + absolute max pit) of the surface. Synonymous with the range of height values or peak to peak.
Type | Default | Details | |
im | Numpy array or arraylike, typically (m,n) for 1 array or (k,m,n) for k (m,n) stacked arrays | ||
norm | bool | True | |
axis | NoneType | None | |
sections | bool | False | If true, calculates the Sz of the stack of images, (i.e. sets axis = (1,2)) |
kwargs |
0,0,0,5]), norm = False), 5)
test_eq(Sz(np.array([-5,-1,-1,-1]), norm = False), 4)
test_eq(Sz(np.array([= False, sections = True,), np.array([0,0,0,0]))
test_eq(Sz(stack1232, norm -5,-1,-1,-1,-1])), Sz(np.array([5,1,1,1,1]))) test_eq(Sz(np.array([
Spatial Parameters
Many roughness parameters are inspired by signal processing procedures. Autocorrelation is the delayed correlation of a signal with itself. In this case our “signal” is the height data of the surface. Autocorrelation is useful for observing periodicity in the surface and how that changes in terms of direction.
To generate the autocorrelation function and visualise it we can use the scipy correlate function.
= image - np.mean(image,axis=None, keepdims = True)
im_mean = correlate(im_mean,im_mean, mode = 'same')
plt.imshow(im_cor) plt.show()
The Spatial Autocorellation is the correlation of the surface with itself, with values normalized to be in the range [-1,1].
Sal is the distance which has the fastest decay to a given parameter (s), traditionally 0.2.
To calculate Sal, we calculate the autocorellation function (acf), normalize the result, generate a distance matrix from the center of the array, and find the shortest distance (d) that is acf <= s.
We already have the im_cor above. So lets find the Sal step by step.
= normalize(im_cor, axis = None, how = 'minmax') #minmax defaults to [-1,1] which is typically unusual
plt.imshow(im_ncor) plt.show()
NameError: name 'normalize' is not defined
Lets see what values are below 0.2
<= 0.2, im_ncor, np.NaN))
plt.imshow(np.where(im_ncor plt.show()
We need to find the shortest distance from the center to the edge of this oval of NaNs. I generate a distance matrix and find the min, this might not be the fastest/most efficient solution so if you have a suggestion to improve it then raise an issue on the github!
= distance_matrix(im_ncor.shape)
plt.imshow(dists) plt.show()
Now we filter the dists by the normalize correlation function and return the resulting min.
= np.nanmin(np.where(im_ncor <= 0.2, dists, np.NaN)) #This reads: Where im_ncor is less than or equal to 0.2, return respective dist, else return NaN
im_Sal print(f'The images Sal is: {im_Sal} Pixel Units')
Note the use of Pixel Units, Rough can’t tell what units you are using (yet!), so be sure to convert the pixel distance to whatever unit you are using.
def Sal(im, #Numpy array or arraylike, typically (m,n) for 1 array or (k,m,n) for k (m,n) stacked arrays
= True, #Normalize the input array
norm = 'center', #How to normalize the data, see `normalize`,
norm_how = None,
axis = False, #If true, calculates the Sal of the stack of images, (i.e. sets axis = (1,2))
sections = 0.2, #Default decay value.
s = True, #Scale the respective array via im / np.linalg.norm(im)
scale **kwargs #keyword arguments to be passed to numpy.ptp
Calculates the autocorellation length parameter. Defined as the horizontal distance of the autocorellation function
which has the fastest decay to s, with 0 <= s <= 1.
Can determine the presense of lay, the direction of the predominant surface pattern.
if sections:
= (1,2)
if norm:
= axis, how = norm_how)
normalize(im, axis
#Calculate and normalize autocorrelation results for the array to (-1,1) range
= correlate(im,im,mode = 'same')
im_corr = normalize(im_corr, axis = axis, how = 'minmax')
#Find the smallest distance where autocorrelation function is <= s
= distance_matrix(im_norm_corr.shape)
= np.where(im_norm_corr <= s, dists, np.NaN)
return np.nanmin(dists_where)
#TODO test with stack of images
#Find the distance which is lowest that matches <= s
test_eq(im_Sal, Sal(image))
TODO: Surface slope (Sdq)
= np.arange(10)
a_10 a_10
= np.arange(10,20)
a_20 a_20
>=5, np.NaN, a_10) np.where(a_10
= np.arange(16).reshape(4,4)
a_16 a_16
= distance_matrix(a_16.shape)
a_dist a_dist
= np.where(a_16>=13, a_dist, np.NaN)
a_where np.nanmin(a_where)
Measures of Anisotropy