Contains functions for calling Rough from the command line
array = np.loadtxt('example.txt')
(501, 501)
#TODO: Fix the list input, need to probably use params and nargs



 rough (fname:str=None, ext:str='.txt', result:str=None,
        form:bool_arg<Removeformbypolynomialsubtraction>=True, deg:int=3,
        smooth:bool_arg<Smootharraybyapplyinggaussian>=True, sigma:int=1, 
        ationtothem>=True, gen_section:bool_arg<Generatesub-
        sectionsofthesurface>=True, sec_how:str='square', sec_num:int=100,
        params1D:list=None, params2D:list=None)

Perform parameter calculation on a given file or directory, if none is provided .

Type Default Details
fname str None File name, path or directory with data files to be read
ext str .txt Extension for the files .txt or .csv
result str None Directory to write results to, if None, writes to ‘results’
result_how str concat How to save the results, ‘concat’ concatenates all respective types of results (i.e. profile,section,rotational,subsection) into one dataframe file. ‘split’ produces respective result files for each input file. Use split for large amounts of data.
level bool_arg True Perform plane levelling
form bool_arg True Remove form by polynomial subtraction
deg int 3 Degree of polynomial to remove
smooth bool_arg True Smooth the array by applying a gaussian
sigma int 1 Sigma for gaussian to be applied
gen_rot bool_arg True Generate rotational profiles and apply parameter calculation to them
gen_section bool_arg True Generate sub-sections of the surface
sec_how str square Type of section to generate, currently only supports ‘square’
sec_num int 100 Number of sections to generate
profile bool_arg True Calculate profile parameters
section bool_arg True Calculate section parameters
params1D list None list of 1D parameters to calculate,
params2D list None list of 2D parameters to calculate, calculates for both the sections and the whole